

新創兩岸經貿領航新業務 大中華區物流新動力-「新吉成保稅中轉復出口」。

⊙本公司「全貨櫃運輸作業模式」可避免天候,吊卸、裝錯與 丟件所產生的貨物損害。

⊙新吉成北中南皆設有保稅中轉倉庫,可提供貨物暫存,撕 標,換標,貼標,重新打盤釘木箱,貨物過磅 等多項服務 。




⊙雜貨、原物料及冷凍品一般貿易與小三通回台雙向運輸模 式快速通關。

⊙計費方式可依客戶需求做彈性調整規劃,提供具競爭力的 價格優勢。

⊙精銳的經營團隊規劃前瞻性的業務,為客戶打造全方位的 產品需求。



保稅中轉簡介 根據中國國務院公布,明定福建省做為兩岸人民交流合作先試區域,並賦予海峽西岸經濟區成為對台「經濟合作架構協議」(ECFA)的「試驗區」。為迎接兩岸直航,台灣與大陸經貿關係將是嶄新的局面,褔建沿海兩岸小額貿易的貨運業務,在此關鍵時機點,我們將扮演全新的角色定位,本公司長期以來累積的從業經驗和所建立的優勢物流網絡,已將“大三通”作業模式導入“小三通”保稅轉運復出口之實務操作,兩岸「保稅物流」業務之「黃金水道」已俺然成形。

According to China State Council announcement, Fujian Province is assigned as a trial area for communication and cooperation of across-strait people between China and Taiwan. Besides, western economic zone is assigned as ECFA experimental zone to Taiwan. To welcome direct flight between both sides, Taiwan and China’s economic and trade relation will become a new era. At this moment, it is the point time to play an brand-new role for small-amount transportation business along Fujian seashores. Our company has accumulated lots of business experience and superior distribution network and led “three direct links” to “mini three links”, actual operation for the bonded transportation and export. The golden canal of across-strait bonded distribution business has already formed into the shape.

全方位的專業服務項目 本公司提供保稅之業務具有保稅、倉儲、商品展示、轉口貿易、緩稅、加工、整裝,物流配送等功能,整個保稅管理制度為國際各海關通行的一種監管制度,提供企業規避國際市場價格風險和有關稅賦,貿易管制等壁壘,隨著現代產業結構鏈不斷延伸和第三方物流連結的崛起,保稅業務在貨運體系中的角色更形重要,功能作用性日益擴張,已逐漸匯集成兩岸經貿主體,更是ECFA協議中原產地規則商機之所在。

Our company provides business including bonded, warehouse, commodity display, transportation trade, processing, distribution…etc. The whole bonded management system is a kind of supervision system accepted by the Customs around the world for enterprises to avoid price risk in international market and related taxes and tariffs, trade control…etc. Current structure chains extend continuously and three links distributions start. Bonded business has become more important among goods transportation system and its function expands day by day which has gradually formed main part between across-strait economy and trade. Moreover, this is general business opportunities of country of origin within ECFA agreements.